OCAMM odds & ends
Click on 'OCAMM odds & ends' for the latest news.
From Ohio Ag Net:
Manure separation shows promise for better nutrient management | A 7,400 head swine farm in Ohio is evaluating the effectiveness and cost of a solid-liquid separation system that includes mechanical separation followed by further processing of the liquid stream. | Article
From UNL Water:
Precision manure application on display at Manure Expo | Rick Koelsch discusses the use of flow meters, GPS and other technologies to improve application rates as well as the use and benefits of as-applied maps. | Article
From Morning Ag Clips:
Trials show hope for handling manure | Washington has funded five projects with potential to improve nutrient management on dairies. The technologies primarily use different methods to generate fertilizer and cleaner water, but face technical and costs issues. | Article
Webinar archive: Watershed nutrient inventories – opportunities and needs | Recording and presentation slides from presentations on how manure nutrients are incorporated into N and P inventories at two watershed scales. | Webinar
From Manure Manager:
8 things to keep in mind when planning for fall manure applications | Good reminders for getting the most from your manure and protecting the environment. | Article
Considering windrow composting | A Wisconsin study on composting bedded pack manure (heifer, dry cow and/or steers) at three farms found reductions in soluble phosphorus and noted several benefits, including flexibility in application timing. | Article
Trouble shooting your compost pile | What odors and lack of heating in composting systems can tell about your feedstocks and/or management practices. | Article
Giant 70 meter cow made of manure appears on Somerset hillside | The title says it all, but I was expecting 3-dimensional. | Article