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OCAMM odds & ends

The soil is alive

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From Ohio Country Journal:
Shelby County SWCD partners with USDA to improve water quality | Producers in the Loramie Creek Watershed will be eligible for technical and financial assistance to implement conservation practices, such as manure storage structures and nutrient management.  |  Article

Using humic substances to improve plant growth | Decomposing manure and other organic materials contribute to soil organic matter via the formation of humic substances, which are very stable forms of soil organic matter that correlate with healthier soil and improved crop yields.  |  Article

Soil health: How to benefit from more diversity | This series of 2-minute videos highlight practices, including integrating livestock, that improve soil health.  |  Details

From Manure Manager:
Manure Minute: Back to basics:- sampling manure | To get the most nutrient and other benefits from manure, sampling is the key. Here’s a reminder of when and how to collect sample.  |  Article

How biochar can enhance water quality in manure application | Researchers are testing the effectiveness of using a biochar, designed to bind with phosphorus and ammonia, to reduce nutrient runoff from land applied manure.  |  Article

From SWCS Conservation NewBriefs:
Researchers aim to ‘upcycle’ nutrient waste on farms using duckweed |  While typically considered a problem, a Penn State team is evaluating this fast-growing aquatic plant for use as a livestock feed supplement and fertilizer as well as other benefits.  |  Article

Blame Virginia Tech for this groaner:
Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?


Because they lactose!