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OCAMM odds & ends

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Field day: Manure Science Review | August 10, 2021 | Celina, OH | Educational sessions, field demonstrations, and a tour of MVP Dairy's rotary milking parlor and manure handling system. CEUs available.| Program details | Registration

Virtual tour: Composting in Ohio and Beyond | August 25, 2021 | Watch operations, from the ground and above, at two unique facilities. Ask questions of facility managers. It’s free, but please register.  |  Program details  |  Registration

Webinar: Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance through Livestock Management | August 20 | Representatives from multiple livestock production sectors will discuss different approaches to the problem of antibiotic resistance and management strategies to improve antimicrobial stewardship.  |  Details

Call for abstracts: Waste to Worth 2022 | Maumee Bay, Ohio | Have an idea for a presentation or workshop related to manure? This conference  brings together the nation’s best science on animal agriculture to address water quality, air quality, soil health, manure storage and treatments systems, and much more.  |  Call for abstract details

From University of Nebraska Extension:
Factsheet: Determining Manure Nutrients from Manure | While knowing the manure nutrient content is needed to determine the application rate, understanding nutrient availability is also critical. This factsheet discusses how to determine availability and provides a handy calculator.  |  Factsheet

From Manure Manager:
Virtual: North American Manure Expo | August 25 & 26 | Educational sessions, demonstrations and tradeshow – all online and all free.  |  Details

Are manure and beer a match made in pesticide heaven? | A Spanish study showed that a mixture of spent grains from a brewery, rapeseed cake, and cow manure was effective as a biodisinfestation treatment, probably due to increase soil microbial activite.  |  Article

Manure and antimicrobial abundance | In a Texas study, composted cattle manure was applied to forage plots in a semi-arid climate. Soils samples collected 1.5 years after application showed increased levels of microbes and soil carbon - both indicators of soil health.  |  Article

Widespread manure fraud largely goes unpunished | Because land for manure application is limited, Dutch farmers are required to store or destroy excess manure. A report by an environmental group claims that farmers who falsify record to avoid the storage/destruction costs are rarely held accountable.  |  Article  

From SWCS Conservation NewsBrief:
Constructed wetlands are best protection for agricultural runoff into waterways | Researchers in Kansas concluded that wetlands constructed at watershed-scale were the most cost-effective method for reducing nitrogen and sediment loading of waterways.  |  Article