OCAMM odds & ends
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Call for abstracts: Waste to Worth 2022 in Maumee Bay, Ohio | Share your Ohio-based work or research on efforts important to sustainability in animal agriculture, with a national audience of Extension educators and manure professionals. | Details
From UNL Water:
Biological benefits of manure on agricultural soils | A discussion of how manure can increase microbial activity that may improve soil quality and fertility. | Article
Manure application following silage | Leslie Johnson discusses early fall manure application considerations, including agronomic rates and whether to incorporate. | Article
Protecting groundwater by managing animal manure products | An overview of potential risks to groundwater from manure application and ways to reduce them. | Article
SWCS Conservation NewsBrief;
Grazing cattle can reduce agriculture’s carbon footprint | Texas researchers support grazing practices that utilize regenerative practices, such as perennial grasses, for improved soils, reduced erosion and other benefits. | Article
Research shows that regenerative farming can deliver environmental benefits while maintaining productivity | Farm trials showed that Adaptive Multi-Paddock grazing, in which a small grazing area with a high density of livestock is used for a short time followed by a long rest, resulted in soils with 13% more soil organic carbon and 9% more soil nitrogen compared to conventional grazing practices. | Article
From Morning AgClips:
Agreement reaching Lake Erie nutrient goals? | Jordan Hoewischer, OFBF, discusses Ohio’s efforts and their effects on reducing dissolved reactive phosphorus loading to meet the 2015 Western Lake Erie Collaborative agreement goal of a 40% reduction by 2025. | Article
From Ohio AgNet:
Ohio expands runoff strategy | The addition of more money and eligible counties for H2Ohio, a voluntary program that provides funds for farmer incentives to implement best practices as well as drinking and waste water project, is expected to continue to slow phosphorus runoff to Lake Erie. | Article
City of Maumee caught after 20 years of sewage dumping | While agriculture has been cited frequently as a contributor to water quality issues in the Western Lake Erie Basin, a recent investigation found that the City of Maumee has been a significant contributor. The city is permitted to discharge 25 million gallons/year of sewage into the Maumee River, but has actually been dumping 150 million gallons/year for the last 20 years. | Article
and, on a related note . . .
From the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform:
Sewer leakage: First nationwide estimate of pollution leaking from urban systems | A study of over 11,000 German municipalities found that losses from defects in sewer pipes accounted for 9.8% of nitrogen and 17.2% of phosphorus loading to water resources. | Article