OCAMM odds & ends
Recordings: CLM Webinar Series | View previous webinars: (1) manure and nutrient management and (2) taking manure samples, a minimum strategy. | Recordings
North American Manure Expo | August 9-10 | Arlington, Wisconsin | Everything manure, including tours, exhibitors, and speakers. | Details
LPELC Webinar: Improving disease identification, treatment, & antibiotic stewardship in livestock production | August 18 | Three speakers will share efforts to better target antibiotic use. | Details
Free OHOC Compost Education Event: Beyond Wasted Food | September 21 | See how the Dayton Foodbank is creating compost from food waste and using it to feed people. Plus, learn about residential, small, medium composting facilities from the experts In person and virtual options. | Details (scroll down for agenda and speaker bios)
From the North Central Region Water Quality Network:
Understand the inherent uncertainty of your phosphorus monitoring strategy | Collecting grab samples from subsurface drainage at edge of field outflow for P analysis is the least reliable method due to fluctuations in P concentrations. | Article | Guide for Monitoring Phosphorus
From National Hog Farmer:
Using sustainability data to maintain your farm’s social license | A third-party assessment of the nation’s fourth largest pork producer documents the impacts of responsible manure management and conservation practices on the environment, including significant reductions in soil erosion and increased carbon storage in soil. | Article