OCAMM odds & ends
Save the date: North American Manure Expo | July 30-31, 2025, in Wauseon, OH | Tours, equipment demonstrations, seminars, and much more – everything manure will be happening in Ohio next year. Listen to learn more about the Expo from the 2024 event. | Podcast Photos
Manure Science Review 2024 | Missed the August 6 event? View presentation slides online. | Slides
From the Ohio Country Journal:
Podcast: Manure nutrient management with Glen Arnold | OSU’s manure nutrient management specialist discusses how manure management has evolved over the years, understanding nutrient content and precision placement, and more. | Podcast
On-the-go liquid manure nutrient level sensors | John Fulton, OSU, provides information on how liquid manure sensors work to measure N-P-K and dry matter levels in real-time during manure application. | Article
From Manure Manager:
Developing 4R practices for manured cropping systems | Two long-term Canadian studies have shown that the effects of manure application on soil vary with the type, form, and rate. A new study will determine how differences in manure application and soil properties affect 4R recommendations, which were developed for chemical fertilizers. | Article
The smell of success: Manure and high-residue cover crops can boost potato yields, improve soil health | To evaluate methods for improving soil organic matter, cow manure mixed with sawdust was incorporated into the soil during planting of a cover crop 1 year before planting potatoes. This method increased yields by 28%. | Article
From IMMAG Newsletter:
Fine-tuning your manure management and application plan | Fall application planning should include a lab analysis, crop needs, adjustments for manure nutrients, soil fertility, and logistics. Timing is also important. While later application on cool soils helps retain nitrogen, factors such as full or foaming pits may require earlier application. | Article
From SWCS Conservation NewsBrief:
Could manure and compost act like probiotics, reducing antibiotic resistance in urban soils? | Comparison of soil and leafy greens from seven urban farms and community gardens found that soils amended with manure or compost had more total bacteria, but had a lower proportion of harmful or antibiotic resistant ones compared to unamended soils. | Article
From Hoard’s Dairyman:
Manage phosphorus levels through manure | Cover crops, no-till, dairy rations, and other practices can reduce the risk of phosphorus runoff, and associated algal blooms, | Article
Call for abstracts for Waste-to-Worth 2025 | Oral, poster, panel, and workshop presentation proposals focused on applied solutions relating to animal manure management are being sought for this national conference, which will be held April 7-11 in Boise, ID. | Details